February 22, 2022 is the day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Early that morning, Russia took around 190,000 troops to the border of Ukraine. Russia started the invasion over the fact that Vladimir Putin refuses to let Ukraine join NATO. NATO is a military alliance between 28 European countries and two Northern American countries. Russia is also looking to expand into Ukraine territory. Vladimir Putin has a past of invading countries leading to joining NATO. Putin disregards Ukr
aine’s independence. Over in the U.S NATO is hosting a meeting over this matter to discuss their defense plan. The United States president, Joe Biden has said that he will not be shipping off any U.S troops to the border of Ukraine. However, he did mention he will be sending more U.S troops over to Eastern Europe to protect the NATO allies. It
has been found that any citizens in Russia found to be protesting the war have been arrested. Following up a few days later Russia’s invasion has been slower than intended. President Putin has not intended to destroy civilian areas but some of the Ukraine towns have been destroyed. Russia has been striking Ukraine ever since the invasion. Around 5,000 people are evacuating and leaving the country a day from Ukraine. Although, some citizens are taking a stand against Russia and not fleeting the country to protect what is theirs. Russia is not backing down in this invasion.